LadderSpike Blog

LadderSpike 2024 End Of Q1 Update

We are full speed ahead for Q2!

IBS Las Vegas was a success!

February 27th - 29th

During our stay in Las Vegas, we can only describe it as being nothing short of amazing! Not only did we gain great connections to the United States market there is a space for some potential partnerships for us in the future, so stay tuned for that! 

Team LadderSpike wins Canadian Construction Innovation Of The Year!

March 15th

Jordan Spencer sitting on a stage with the Ladder Evolution-Pro

We are filled with immense gratitude for the incredible opportunity we’ve had at the Canadian Construction Association - Association canadienne de la construction CCA’s annual conference in Punta Cana This victory is not just for LadderSpike; it’s a win for safer work environments everywhere 

The CCA just recently posted an article documenting our journey on their website! Click the button below to view the article!


Product Variants Update!

April 10th

  • Huge shoutout to our pre-order customers who jumped on board🪜
  • We scrapped the middle tier variant and now have 2 tiers!
  • The 2 tiers we will be using is the Starter System and the Professional System

New Product Photos!

April 15th

New Ladder Evolution-Pro Photos

Standards Testing is now underway!

April 25th

  • Final Standards testing has begun! 🪜
  • This phase will last a few weeks
  • Stay tuned for another update soon 🚀


Jordan and Dale on a ladder that's being leveled, stabilized and anchored

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