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Ladders Are Well Over 10,000 Years Old
Unfortunately they are also the leading cause of falls that leave families completely devastated and employers resorting to cost & growth prohibitive alternatives
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Congressman falls 25ft off ladder
Earlier this year Greg Steube a congressman from Florida, fell 25ft off his ladder when cutting his trees
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Veteran passes after falling from ladder ladder
Veteran and Dad, 57, Dies After Falling Off Ladder While Decorating His Home for Christmas
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Man survives traumatic brain injury after falling from a ladder
Imagine falling backwards from 12-feet high off the ground and slamming your head onto a concrete floor. Yikes, right? Michael Sternklar does not have to imagine this scary scenario because he lived it.
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Ark. Man on Ventilator in the ICU After Falling Off Ladder
Mark Valentine is recovering from 10 broken ribs (six of which are double broken), two collapsed lungs and a hematoma on his head with 13 stitches.
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Home Town Electrician Falls Off a Ladder
Stewart had a terrible fall off of a ladder and suffered severe injuries that required him to be airlifted to FGH for surgery.
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